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Clases online de Español para extranjeros

NATIVE SPANISH TEACHER WITH 100% EXAM PASS RATE - DELE Evaluator B1 to C2 - SIELE - Language acquisition A1 to C2 - Speaking improvement / ONLINE

Para alumnos de:

Universidad, Adultos, Empresas


Todos los niveles




19 €/h Primera clase gratis

Hello! My name is Veronica, and I am a native Spanish-speaking Hispanic Philologist with a master's degree in Spanish for foreigners, accredited by the Cervantes Institute as a DELE (B1 to C2) examiner and SIELE preparer. I also know firsthand Spain's nationality exams and I have more than 5 years of experience as a language acquisition teacher of foreign languages, Last but not least, I would be thrilled to help you with your way of learning Spanish.

As part of the course design, all students have access from day one to a "virtual campus" with all kinds of materials (books, explanations, examples, shared documents, etc.) and a personalized program that enables them to participate in the continuous monitoring of its evolution.

As for the preparation of the DELE, each student has a portfolio of essays that allows us to work on their own mistakes until they are understood and are not repeated. From this portfolio, generally, grammar doubts appear, and will need punctual explanations and extra exercises to those specific to the exam.

In my opinion, the key to the DELE is the personalization of the exam. Of course, there are tricks and general explanations, but I believe that it is not possible to learn without discovering one's tricks and methodologies, so my "service" is an accompaniment of inquiry into how everyone can adapt their knowledge to the requirements of the DELE, an approach that I apply to the Spanish language learning process itself. Also, if you want to know a little more about my Spanish project, you can visit my web page or my Instagram

Class price-wise varies depending on the number of classes purchased per package:

- 1 single class = 24 euros per hour
- package of 5 or 10 classes = 21 euros per hour*
- package of 20 classes = 19 euros per hour*

- package of 5 or 10 classes = 31,5 euros per 90 mins*
- package of 20 classes = 28,5 euros per 90 mins*

*Prices for intensive DELE / SIELE preparation courses (7 weeks or less) increase by 3 euros per hour

Plus, enjoy a free lesson for each student you refer who decides to take lessons

It is not necessary to purchase the same package every time, but it is necessary to buy it in advance. Payment can be made by bank transfer, PayPal, Revolut, or Bizum. If you need, I can issue an invoice, I'm "autónoma".

Ask for a free trial lesson :)
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