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English online with a patient native speaker. 15 yrs of experience- IELTS, TOEIC, TOEFL

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My name is Eugenia and I am native English speaker and teacher. I have been teaching for more than 15 years. I am proud to say that over the course of my career most of my students successfully scored high in the prerequisite English test that they needed in order to further their studies in countries such as the USA, Canada, the UK and so forth.

I specialize in: TOEFL, TOEIC and IELTS prep, Conversation, Pronunciation and Vocabulary.

I use multimedia based teaching method. In my classes my students also practice speaking a lot, as well as they do grammar exercises and discuss news from around the world. If you want to prepare for exams like TOEFL, TOEIC or IELTS, I have developed a proven track record in guiding learners to happily succeed in Standardized English tests!

During my career as a teacher I’ve had the opportunity to work with students from many different backgrounds and many different countries. For example, I have taught learners from France, Portugal, Turkey, China, Japan, South Korea, Gabon, Senegal, Guinea, Cameroon, Brazil, Spain, Togo, Benin, Ivory Coast and the list goes on.

This experience has given me the opportunity to be more dedicated, patient and more goal-oriented as a teacher. My class is always a comfortable and enjoyable place to learn English!
We can start our learning journey by a 30-minute trial lesson. Message me to arrange the trial.

After our first test lesson, I offer classes that are-or 120-minutes long. My schedule is flexible and you can book lessons 24 hours in advance!

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!
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