Meisam Ziafar
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Meisam Ziafar

Clases de Inglés

en Herrera Del Duque (Badajoz)

Experienced online English tutor teaching various courses

Para alumnos de:

Primaria, Universidad, Adultos


Todos los niveles


12 €/h Primera clase gratis

I have worked as an assistant professor in TEFL at Islamic Azad University for almost 15 years. The main reason why I chose to apply for this position is my high interest in doing research in the field of English language teaching and learning and I am looking for a more challenging position in my field of study. I have authored and co-authored articles in this field of research and have also supervised MA theses as mentioned in my CV. I have also taught various courses related to language teaching and learning, language assessment, language research, translation, culture and language, language skills, statistics in language research, etc. to BA and MA students in my country for almost 15 years. I have also taught English online for almost 10 years and have worked with various online companies.
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Meisam Ziafar

Meisam Ziafar

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