Consuelo Cagigal

Opiniones de Consuelo Cagigal

Consuelo Cagigal



71 recomendaciones

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Consuelo es muy amable y muy professional. Tiene una manera de enseñar muy claro y bien estructurado. Las clases también son muy divertidos con ella. He estado muy a gusto. Las recomiendo a todos! ??


Great teacher! Very easy to talk with, explains everything thoroughly, and adjusts the pace to my need. I will continue taking classes with her.


I am from France and I had never taken a Spanish course before I started with Consuelo. Thanks to her methods, I was able to quickly gain confidence in speaking and correct the many grammatical mistakes I was making at the beginning through various written exercises. Consuelo is a very good teacher, with whom I enjoy learning Spanish, I highly recommend her.


Soy francesa y tenía un nivel bastante bajo en español. Gracias a Consuelo, ya hablo muy bien. Consuelo es una profesora muy amable. Mejoré mucho mi español con ella y se adaptó muy bien a mi nivel y necesidades. Aprendí rápido con varios ejercicios y también hablando de todo con ella. Recomendaría 100% sus clases.


I started getting Spanish classes without knowing anything about Spanish, and I was able to understand and speak Spanish in a short time. The teacher is so amusing and lively, the classes are not boring at all and even time flies so fast. I am so happy that I started learning Spanish and I am grateful to my teacher.


Me gustó los ejercicios que hicimos y los consejos que me dió. Recomiendo tomar sus clases que me ayudaron mucho !


J’ai vachement progressé grace a consuelo, je la recommande vivement elle est super pédagogue ! Merci beaucoup


Consuelo es una profesora muy comprensiva y muy agradable se adapta al ritmo de cada alumno. Soy muy contenta de sus clases !

Shana Cohen

Consuelo est une très très bonne prof ! Elle est pédagogue et patiente . Sa méthode est claire . Elle est top! Rien a dire

Lena Choucroun

Consuelo es una profesora muy amable, que escucha todo nuestros necesidades. Se adapta a nuestro nivel y da ejercicios que coinciden con los que tendremos en examen. Muy buen profesor, lo recomiendo.


Una profesora muy amane y profesional. Disfruto mucho las clases.


Consuelo is a great teacher with a lot of patience and a really great method of teaching. She is helping me a lot with Spanish since it is the first time that I’m in Spain and also the first time I’m speaking this language. Her classes are funny and easy, with her helping me a lot into really specific things. I would definitely recommend her to anyone that wants to learn Spanish from someone that is truly Spanish <3 <3. Gracias por todo profe <3.

Mehmet ornek

Ella es incredible. Yo estoy muy contento con ella.

Elif Berrak

El método de enseñanza de Consuelo me ayudò mucho avanzar en mi nivel de Español. Ella forma una buena balanza entre gramática y práctica. Por cada clase, ella facilita documentos de gramática cuáles son muy útiles y siempre me anima para hablar usando la gramática recién enseñado. Estoy muy contenta conocerla.


Consuelo ha sido mi profesora durante unos meses y estoy súper contenta con sus clases. Nos centramos en el habla y la gramática. Consuelo proporciona todos los materiales, que es genial. La recomiendo al 100 por ciento!


Como empezar, para exprimir mi gratitud, a una profesora increíble y apasionada por su trabajo, apasionado por esta maravillosa lengua que es el Español (y difícil) Tuvé más de 30 horas de clase con Consuelo, y era un real placer, elle me daba consejos, su experiencia, me permitía progresar, estudiar dentro de un ambiente maravilloso, agradable, y de pasión. Consuelo es una profesora a quien debo no uno sino el examen mas importante de mi grado. Yo la recomiendo a todos los que lo necesiten Consuelo para sus clase. En mi opinion es imprescindible que tengáis a profesora Consuelo. Ella sabra seguramente escucharte, darte los mejores ejercicios y consejos, enseñarte con pedagogía, estudiar contigo, explicarte los usos del subjuntivo en español, y sobre todo prepararte para tus exámenes. Deseo a todos los estudiantes una profesora de Espanol tan apasionado y que ama su trabajo de esta forma Eytan

Sarah Rall

Consuelo is the best! She explains everything clearly and creates useful exercises that are extremely helpful. She is very patient and the lessons are enjoyable, I'd recommend her to anyone!


Consuelo has significantly helped me improve my Spanish in just a few months. I studied Spanish through high school, and spoke a bit in college at my first job but since then I have barely been able to use it. She helped get an understanding of my level after an introductory conversation and then proceeded to pick up where I could use a refresher, as well as newer concepts. All documents are shared with google drive and we usually video chat through Skype, which is quite easy. I thoroughly enjoy our conversations as well as the exercises I complete. She is extremely personable, friendly, and wants to make sure you are achieving your goals while working with her. We meet once a week to keep a regular cadence and have never had an issue if we needed to reschedule, even given the time difference. I have recommended another friend to work with Consuelo as well, and she is also enjoying her classes. I look forward to our conversations every week!!


Consuelo has been a huge help since I moved to Spain in October. At the beginning, I struggled to speak/understand Spanish and found it very frustrating, however, since starting classes with Consuelo each week my Spanish has improved a lot. Most of the day-to-day vocabulary and grammar structures that I use are things that I have learned in my classes with Consuelo and now I feel much more confident talking to Spanish people. She has many useful documents and exercises which have helped improve my grammar and knowledge of vocabulary a lot. Not only have I learned about the language but also many cultural aspects that I didn't know about either. If I ever have any questions or doubts then she can always answer them very clearly and will make sure that I understand before moving onto a new topic. I highly recommend anyone of any level of Spanish to take lessons with Consuelo! It has been the best decision I have made since moving to Spain :)


Consuelo is a gifted, dynamic teacher. She's systematic in her approach to teaching grammar and always provides fun, challenging and relevant content/material. Dependable, communicative, friendly, professional, intelligent and experienced: she's a joy to learn from and with. I personally teach English language in Spain and she's been such an example to me of what a language teacher should be and do. She's also improved my Spanish enormously in a matter of months. On top of that, she's got ample experience and knowledge of Spanish proficiency exams. Whether you're looking to improve your conversation, prepare for an exam of that type, or simply speak with a native she's the one you want. I'm super lucky to have been referred to her. Work with her ASAP ;)

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Consuelo Cagigal

Consuelo Cagigal
62 Años·Profesora con más de 10 años de experiencia
desde 20 €/h
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Consuelo Cagigal
Consuelo Cagigal (71) Madrid Capital (Madrid)
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