Ron Joaquin Pulido
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Ron Joaquin Pulido

Clases de Inglés

en Toledo Capital (Toledo)

I am an experienced English teacher with 3 years of experience teaching children of different backgrounds and adapting well to all

Para alumnos de:

Infantil y preescolar, Primaria, E.S.O.


Todos los niveles


Adomicilio, on-line


12 €/h (suplemento a domicilio: 5 €)Primera clase gratis

I rely on the fundamentals of learning and aim to teach adaptively based on the skills and special needs of the students. It is important to me that the strengths of all students, be it in sports, technology, books or movies, be addressed and used as a tool to better their learning capabilities.
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Ron Joaquin Pulido

Ron Joaquin Pulido

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