Are Private Language Classes necessary to learn effectively?

Receptive and Productive Skills

Language classes definitely help the process of learning a language along for a variety of reasons. Although the receptive skills of reading and listening can be practised alone, learners need help honing the productive skills of writing and speaking. This is because feedback is essential to improve these skills.

Clases de idiomas

Training your Ear

It's really important to train your ear and a private teacher can really help you with this. Choose a teacher with an accent you'd like to become familiar with and the more classes you have, the more you'll get used to hearing their accent.


Taking regular classes helps even the most motivated student stay on track. It's difficult to know how and what to study so a private teacher can really help point you in the right direction. What's more, they will have a bank of resources to choose from, appropriate for your level.

Tracking Progress

A good private teacher will plan your study well, tracking your progress as you go. It's difficult to assess your own progress so an experienced teacher can really help you out with this. These days online learning platforms are popular and your teacher can upload resources and activities to do outside the classes.


We learn a language in order to be able to communicate effectively in it. Taking a communicative approach is the key to being able to speak effectively in a new language. Unless you are preparing for an exam, the focus of your private classes will likely be speaking so a private teacher is essential for this.

So choose an experienced teacher who can guide your learning and they will help you stay motivated and on track!

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