Language transition and learning immersion for ESL - EFL Speakers

If you speak English as a second language and work in a country where English is not the official language, going and coming from one language to the other could be challenging.

Regardless of your level of fluency or proficiency lets face it, when you do not speak English for a while and all of the certain the need to talk English arise, we all sound like beginners’ students. The reason is simple, English is a phonetic language. The way your pronounced it is different from the way you write it.

Fortunately, there is a language transition procedure that helps us accomplish two things:

1.- Mentally, shut out the Spanish door, and open the English door.

It is been scientifically proven that in our brain each language has its own neurological path.

This is helpful especially when we come across words that are similar in both languages such as; no – bar – radio – visual, etc.

Furthermore, this helps us not to do mental automatic translation such as; white – blanco – white, homogeneous – homogeneo – homogeneous, etc.

2.- Physiologically and phonetically tone and tune-up our facial muscles, lips, and tongue to speak English fluently.

It is a proven fact that when we speak English or Spanish different muscles, lips, and tongue movement is used.

The procedure is very simple and none other than doing vocal warm-up (VWU):

a.- Do a lip - loose up exercise

b.- Count numbers back and forth

c. Do a tongue twister

d.- Recite a radio or TV commercial

e. Said out aloud the first paragraph that you are going to communicate

Language learning immersion, on the other hand, is the ability that we have to create a quality time environment where English is spoken here on a frequent basis.

It could be at home, the workplace, or with that special someone. Allow yourself immersion time of 2 hours period where everything you do is conduct it in English.

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