Learn a language with only 15 minutes needed per day!

The title of this blog does read like an advert in a newspaper selling a language course but today I want to talk about the advantages of studying for 15 minutes each day.

The most typical excuse I hear as a teacher is that there is not enough time to do any extra studying. There is no time to read a book or watch a film and do everthing else that life demands. This is true for most of us with families and work, finding time to watch a film in our own language is difficult enough without the extra stress of watching in a second language. However, we don´t need 2 hours on a Sunday afternoon what we need is 15 minutes a day.

To reach an advanced level in English will take about 800 hours which seems a huge amount of time but if we break this into chunks of 15 minutes per day in one year we will have studied for more than 90 hours.15 minutes a day is a realistic time goal for most people. First thing in the morning, during lunch time or at night, we can all find a space.

Another advantage of studying in short time chunks is retention of information. An adult has an average attention span of 20 minutes which is perfect for a quick bit of language learning.

Today we have the tools in our hands. from reading an article or using a learning app, to watching a tv series or lecture we are spoilt with a choice of free, fun and informative activities.

Learning is a life long process, it does not stop after class or during the holidays, we need a little everyday to reinforce what we have learnt and move forward. 15 minutes a day is all it takes!

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