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Clases de Español para extranjeros
9 valoraciones
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Los alumnos de María opinan: Los alumnos de María opinan:
I have taken private Spanish classes with María for about 6 years now. I am American, but I live in Spain and I have an advanced, C2 level, so mostly I want to work on improving my conversation and p...
I have taken private Spanish classes with María for about 6 years now. I am American, but I live in Spain and I have an...
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25 €/h
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Madrid Capital
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Clases de lengua impartidas por filóloga con máster de profesorado

Descripción del anuncio
Soy licenciada en Filología Hispánica y con máster en ELE y en Formación del profesorado. Poseo amplia experiencia en preparación de exámenes de selectividad/EvAU y de bachillerato.

Ofrezco clases de refuerzo de lengua castellana y literatura para todo tipo de estudiantes, incluyendo acceso para mayores de 25 años. Puedo hacer clases de manera presencial (en mi casa o en casa del alumno o alumna) u online, usando para ellos diferentes herramientas.

He trabajado mucho con refuerzo de sintaxis y también con comentario de texto y tengo ejercicios propios. Intento que las clases sean amenas y con mucha práctica.

El análisis sintáctico no es fácil, pero yo tengo mucha paciencia y podemos repetir lo que sea necesario :)
9 valoraciones de alumnos y ex-alumnos de María
Ruth y otras 8 personas recomiendan a María
I have taken private Spanish classes with María for about 6 years now. I am American, but I live in Spain and I have an advanced, C2 level, so mostly I want to work on improving my conversation and perfecting my grammar. Maria has done a great job of continually challenging me while still keeping our classes fun and engaging. She is extremely organized and makes most of her own materials, so she is able to choose topics and tweak assignments to her students' needs and interests. I have studied Spanish for many years but she is probably the best Spanish teacher I have had because of these personal adjustments that she continually makes to her approach. I have also been very impressed by how well Maria teaches online. I imagine that many teachers struggle to teach language online, but she seems to be equally comfortable online and off, and manages the necessary tools with no problems. Can't recommend her highly enough.
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María fue durante tres años profesora de lengua de mi hija, hasta que fue a la universidad. Mi hija estaba encantada con ella. La recomiendo cien por cien. Llevaba siempre sus clases muy bien preparadas y se notaba que le gustaba lo que hacía.
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Maria has been a truly fantastic teacher. I knew very little Spanish before I started my classes with her, but I found that through her patience, interesting activities and correction, that I was able to grow in confidence in speaking Spanish in real life. Maria is such a natural in putting me at ease or motivating me when I'm struggling. I felt improvement after each lesson we had and I was motivated and excited to try out what I had learnt. Muchas gracias Maria, ¡me has ayudado mucho!
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