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Clases de Portugués
1 valoraciones
verified Datos verificados time más de 5 años dando clase
Los alumnos de Alice opinan: Los alumnos de Alice opinan:
Alice is an amazing Portuguese teacher. I took Portuguese lessons with her for 6 months and had a great experience. I started from level 0 and learned so much in a short period of time. Her teaching...
Alice is an amazing Portuguese teacher. I took Portuguese lessons with her for 6 months and had a great experience. I s...
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12 €/h
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Clases de Portugués online y presencial en Madrid

Descripción del anuncio
¿Quieres aprender o mejorar el idioma portugués? Desarrollar destrezas tales como la expresión oral, comprensión auditiva y lectora, fluidez en la conversación o mejorar tu nivel de gramática?

Soy brasileña, formada en ciencias sociales, experiecia como investigadora social, docente de idiomas de español para extranjeros y portugués. Puedo ayudarte con clases de redacción de textos académicos y expresión oral para presentaciones en eventos científicos.

Si además del idioma quieres aprender más sobre Brasil estas serán tus clases!! Con el idioma busco acercar mi país y los demás países lusófonos a través de la música, del cine, de la literatura y nuestra realidad social. Todo ello de una manera divertida, amena y con temas actuales.
1 valoraciones de alumnos y ex-alumnos de Alice
Yemane Deneke
Alice is an amazing Portuguese teacher. I took Portuguese lessons with her for 6 months and had a great experience. I started from level 0 and learned so much in a short period of time. Her teaching technique and style is amazing and she makes the lessons fun and very engaging. My favorite exercise was learning Portuguese songs by studying the lyrics and through that exercise I discovered so much great Portuguese music. She also really cares about her students. She’s the best! I hope to continue learning Portuguese with her soon. Thanks you for everything Alice! :)
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Alice responde:
Hi Yemane, thank you very much for your words. It was a pleasure to have you as a student, it was a very rewarding experience, I learned a lot from you. Big hugs and see you soon.
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