Perfil de Raquel Dopico

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Sobre mi

Would you like to learn the 2nd most spoken language in the world? Do you want to become fluent in Spanish? Are you willing to discover the cultures behind this rich language? ¿O quieres simplemente vivir el "SABOR LATINO"?

¡Hola! I am Raquel and I would love to help you. I am a certified and experienced teacher of Spanish. I was borned in the beautiful Canary Islands, but my willing o...
Would you like to learn the 2nd most spoken language in the world? Do you want to become fluent in Spanish? Are you willing to discover the cultures behind this rich language? ¿O quieres simplemente vivir el "SABOR LATINO"?

¡Hola! I am Raquel and I would love to help you. I am a certified and experienced teacher of Spanish. I was borned in the beautiful Canary Islands, but my willing of discovering this amazing world and its people made me very soon become passionate about languages and travelling.
I first left Spain to go to Germany. From the long German winter I went to Costa Rica where I lived ¡Pura Vida! From there Italy, then back to Spain, then Brazil, Egypt and now Malta (who knows what´s next).
My certifications go from my first degree: Advanced Expert in Social Integration, to my degree in Hispanic Studies and my last: Master in Spanish Language.

Each one of my lessons include:
~Warm-up: revision of the content of the last session
~Integrated skills: listening + speaking + writing + reading + interaction
~Holistic content: grammar content+ functional content + vocabulary + culture
~Corrections and homework

+ Focused on the learner and with a communicative approach, my lessons are based on meaning, therefore learning is through meaningful and significative tasks.
+ You will be also provided with all the material needed (the best one for learning Spanish), and in a very diverse range from texts to audios, so that we cover all the skills from comprehension to production.
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Clases de Español para extranjeros Speak Spanish in no time! Online
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