Infantil y preescolarPrimariaESOBachilleratoUniversitariosAdultos
Idiomas que hablo
Educación y certificaciones
Grado (cursando): dieteticaMódulo grado medio/superior: auxiliar de enfermeria
Ubicación de mis clases
Majadahonda · San Sebastián de los Reyes · Pozuelo de Alarcón · Madrid Capital · Alcobendas
Perfil de Abir Dardouri
Sobre mi
Mis clases
Sobre mi
Hello, my name is Abir and I'm from Italy, to be more specific, from Milán ! Last year I moved to Madrid to study , and now I am an expat in this beautiful city! I have a lot of hobbies, generally one new every week, but my passion is languages and linguistics … I'm teaching Italian/French to students from all over the world, I love doing this because it is something that makes me feel proud of...
Hello, my name is Abir and I'm from Italy, to be more specific, from Milán ! Last year I moved to Madrid to study , and now I am an expat in this beautiful city! I have a lot of hobbies, generally one new every week, but my passion is languages and linguistics … I'm teaching Italian/French to students from all over the world, I love doing this because it is something that makes me feel proud of me and helping other people to reach their language goal makes me happy … And I can speak 6 languages perfectly … please, don't hesitate to contact me to start this wonderful adventure! :)