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Educación y certificaciones
Grado (cursando): Traducción y Mediación InterlingüísticaCertificado: Cambridge ProficiencyCertificado: TOEFL (98)
Ubicación de mis clases
Valencia Capital · Mislata
Perfil de Aitana Kalis Tur
Sobre mi
Mis clases
Sobre mi
I'm a PhD stundent who loves to learn and teach! I've studied Translation and Interlinguistic Mediation. During my studies I spent a semester at Rutgers University (USA) and another one at Universität Leipzig (Germany). I also have a proficiency level in English, which helps me to communicate with my students.
My experience working in one of the best Spanish schools of Valencia has given me the...
I'm a PhD stundent who loves to learn and teach! I've studied Translation and Interlinguistic Mediation. During my studies I spent a semester at Rutgers University (USA) and another one at Universität Leipzig (Germany). I also have a proficiency level in English, which helps me to communicate with my students.
My experience working in one of the best Spanish schools of Valencia has given me the opportunity to master the skills needed to teach a language. Also, I've been a private teacher since 2020.
I believe that knowing about culture is as importante as learning a language. So I would love to share with you my rich culture! Our classes will be fun but effective. Can't wait to teach you!
Muy trabajadora y aplicada en las necesidades del alumno. Si quereis sacaros algún titulo conoce todo los modelos de examen, por lo que la recomiendo muchísimo.
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Noviembre de 2021
Buen precio, buenas clases tmb se desplaza a casa y muy contento como explica y elabora las clases.