Perfil de Alexandra Volk

Sobre mi
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Sobre mi

I use communicative method and a lot of different activities
We work on all four skills and I do my best to make my classes interesting and dynamic
We often watch videos, listen to all kinds of recordings, speak a lot
I've been teaching for 7 years
I work with individual students and with groups

I don't speak Spanish but I don't think it's a problem because I rarely use any other languages but...
I use communicative method and a lot of different activities
We work on all four skills and I do my best to make my classes interesting and dynamic
We often watch videos, listen to all kinds of recordings, speak a lot
I've been teaching for 7 years
I work with individual students and with groups

I don't speak Spanish but I don't think it's a problem because I rarely use any other languages but English during my lessons

Mis clases

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Clases de Inglés Profesora de inglés para adultos, inglés general y de negocios Villanueva del Trabuco
Clase Online
15€/h Ver anuncio
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