Perfil de Ali Ghaemian

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Sobre mi

Since young learners have limited attention spans, it is important to include several short activities in a lesson and to move quickly from one activity to another. Activities of five to ten minutes in length are most successful. A balance between the following kinds of activities is often useful:
Quiet / noisy activities.
Different skills: listening, talking, reading / writing.
Individual work /...
Since young learners have limited attention spans, it is important to include several short activities in a lesson and to move quickly from one activity to another. Activities of five to ten minutes in length are most successful. A balance between the following kinds of activities is often useful:
Quiet / noisy activities.
Different skills: listening, talking, reading / writing.
Individual work / pair work / group work / whole-class activities.
Teacher–pupil / pupil–pupil activities.

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