I have over 15 years of classroom experience teaching Spanish I, third grade, and reading classes. I have tutored students outside of school hours for the last 11 years in reading, math, and Spanish. I moved to Elche in October of 2018 and began working as a language assistant, and giving private lessons as well. I have a Master's in Classroom Instruction as well as license to teach reading, e...
I have over 15 years of classroom experience teaching Spanish I, third grade, and reading classes. I have tutored students outside of school hours for the last 11 years in reading, math, and Spanish. I moved to Elche in October of 2018 and began working as a language assistant, and giving private lessons as well. I have a Master's in Classroom Instruction as well as license to teach reading, elementary school, and Spanish from the state of Minnesota in the United States.
Tengo más de 15 años de experiencia de aula que enseña el español I, el tercer grado, y clases de lectura. He enseñado a estudiantes fuera de horas escolares durante los 11 años pasados en lectura, matemáticas, y español. Llegue a Elche el octubre de 2018 y ahora trabajo como un auxiliar de conversación y estoy dando clases particulares también. Tengo un Másters en Instrucción de Aula así como licencia para enseñar la lectura, la escuela primaria, y el español del estado de Minnesota en los Estados Unidos.