Perfil de Ana

Sobre mi
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Sobre mi

My name is Ana and I'm an English teacher, although Spanish native speaker and I permit myself to send you an email due to the fact that I'm currently searching for students in the sector,
I have around fifteen years of experience teaching English to people of all ages and levels. In this time I have gained experience in conversational English support, grammar explanation, official exam prepara...

My name is Ana and I'm an English teacher, although Spanish native speaker and I permit myself to send you an email due to the fact that I'm currently searching for students in the sector,
I have around fifteen years of experience teaching English to people of all ages and levels. In this time I have gained experience in conversational English support, grammar explanation, official exam preparation, support for the elaboration of English texts as well as their correction, well summarising, I have found the way of adapting my knowledge to the needs of every student in particular.
I enjoy teaching to all kinds of students because each of them makes me grow in a different way and I learn a lot from each of them,apart from the fact that I learn and improve my knowledge of the language and my competences as a teacher. I owe so much to all my students.
Now I'm able to teach no matter the level, help people prepare Cambridge exams, Trinity exams, the Oxford test of English etc.
If you want I prepared teacher that enjoys what they do you should contact me without delay here I am to help you out with whatever you may need.

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Imparto clases Online
Clases de Inglés Clases online de inglés y francés Valladolid Capital
Clase Online
13€/h Ver anuncio
Clases de FCE First Certificate in English Profesora de inglés y francés todas las edades y niveles Valladolid Capital
Clase Presencial
15€/h Ver anuncio
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