Perfil de Ana Ros

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Sobre mi

Hello, I’m Ana and I’m a Spanish language teacher. I have been widely trained and have consolidated and accredited experience as teacher of Spanish as a foreign language to students from different nationalities.
I’m aware of the different needs of my students and know how to motivate them so that their learning process of Spanish is fun and enjoyable as well as satisfying and productive. I bet fo...
Hello, I’m Ana and I’m a Spanish language teacher. I have been widely trained and have consolidated and accredited experience as teacher of Spanish as a foreign language to students from different nationalities.
I’m aware of the different needs of my students and know how to motivate them so that their learning process of Spanish is fun and enjoyable as well as satisfying and productive. I bet for a methodology based on the communicative approach, providing students the necessary resources (grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, etc.) in order to deal with situations of everyday life because, as I believe, the basic objective of learning a new language is to communicate with native speakers of the same.

Hola, soy Ana y soy profesora de español. Tengo una amplia formación y una gran experiencia acreditada enseñando español como lengua extranjera a estudiantes de diferentes nacionalidades.
Soy consciente de las distintas necesidades de mis estudiantes y sé cómo motivarlos para que su proceso de aprendizaje del español sea agradable y divertido a la vez que satisfactorio y productivo. Apuesto por una metodología basada en el enfoque comunicativo, aportando a los alumnos los recursos necesarios (gramática, vocabulario, pronunciación, etc.) para poder afrontar situaciones de la vida cotidiana y es que, según mi creo, el objetivo básico del aprendizaje de una nueva lengua es poder comunicarse con hablantes nativos de la misma.
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Imparto clases Presenciales y Online
Clases de Español para extranjeros Profesora de español para extranjero con mucha experiencia Barcelona Capital
Clase Online
30€/h Ver anuncio
Clases de Español para extranjeros Profesora de español para extranjeros de todos los niveles y edades Barcelona Capital
Clase Presencial
30€/h Ver anuncio
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