Perfil de Ángeles Crespo Martin

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Sobre mi

The subjects will be worked on to achieve the objectives required in the educational center in which the student is located and taking into account the particularities and needs of each person to achieve these objectives. If necessary, a meeting with the teaching staff will be requested. External materials (videos, PowerPoint, additional readings...) may be selected to support the learning of s...
The subjects will be worked on to achieve the objectives required in the educational center in which the student is located and taking into account the particularities and needs of each person to achieve these objectives. If necessary, a meeting with the teaching staff will be requested. External materials (videos, PowerPoint, additional readings...) may be selected to support the learning of subjects, languages, school year, companies... with the aim that students obtain greater understanding and internalization of the content.
The methodology that will be carried out is participatory, the students will participate in the selection of content that requires greater support or that is more difficult to understand, so that with my help the set objectives can be achieved. Likewise, study techniques will be worked on with the aim of achieving autonomy for study in all future academic areas of my students.
The relationship with families and/or legal guardians, in the case of Early Childhood, Primary, and Secondary students, and University students who require it, will be fluid, personalized and immediate (through conversation, via email or WhatsApp ), communicating the achievements, difficulties and needs of my students at all times, in order to correct as quickly as possible any problem that we encounter in the teaching-learning process of my students.
In the case of companies that require my services, the HR department must communicate to me the needs of the training to be provided to adapt the syllabus or select additional content to internalize the subject to be taught.
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