Perfil de Ashley Coleman

Sobre mi
Mis clases

Sobre mi

Hi, I am a TEFL qualified English teacher with expericene teaching groups and private lessons from A1 to B2, adults and children.

I enjoy teaching groups of students and private classes. It is very important for me to assess each students individual needs and learning styles and create a lesson that will be beneficial to them. A very important part of learning a language is using productive ski...
Hi, I am a TEFL qualified English teacher with expericene teaching groups and private lessons from A1 to B2, adults and children.

I enjoy teaching groups of students and private classes. It is very important for me to assess each students individual needs and learning styles and create a lesson that will be beneficial to them. A very important part of learning a language is using productive skills as regulary as possible: speaking and writing in the chosen language.

Lesson plans for students and groups of students are extremly important to ensure all learnings during the lesson provide the student with the ideal language required to perform a specific task using their productive skills. I use scaffolding a lot; Introducing target language in context, reviewing target language and other language associated with this, focusing on pronunication, sentence starters and anything else required to perform the last task which can include things such as; role play, presentations, playing games etc.

Classes should be fun, engaging and a friendly environment, which is something I strive for, to ensure that all students enjoy the class, feel safe to give the language a try during class and feel as though they have learnt something and can be confident when speaking english!
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Mis clases

Imparto clases Presenciales y Online
Clases de Inglés Group and private classes for learning english. Flexible based on the learners individual needs Barcelona Capital, Esplugues de Llobregat, Hospitalet de Llobregat, Santa Coloma de Gramenet
Clase Presencial
20€/h Ver anuncio

Valoraciones de mis estudiantes

1 valoraciones
Octubre de 2023
It has been a good experience with Ashley, she understood everything perfectly and her way of explaining was very funny, she is charismatic and will be a good teacher
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