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Localidad Barcelona Capital
Clases de Español para extranjeros
verified Datos verificados time más de 5 años dando clase
Primera clase gratis
18 €/h
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Barcelona Capital
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Apoyo para el desarrollo del Español para extranjeros

Descripción del anuncio
Graduada en Fine Art Kingston University London.
Doy clases particulares online y presencial de temas variados fomentando la creatividad del alumno y que alcance sus objectivos referente a sus necesidades e intereses.
Romina en pocas palabras
Dear all,

Learn Spanish, live your dreams!
We based our lessons on experiencing the language and also getting fun! We think that it isn't difficult but yes it takes a bit of time.
We encourage you to discover how wonderful is thinking in different languages increasing your creativity rendering the world in multiple ways!
We are a group of native Spanish teachers as well as art practitioners to g...
Dear all,

Learn Spanish, live your dreams!
We based our lessons on experiencing the language and also getting fun! We think that it isn't difficult but yes it takes a bit of time.
We encourage you to discover how wonderful is thinking in different languages increasing your creativity rendering the world in multiple ways!
We are a group of native Spanish teachers as well as art practitioners to guide you to improve your Spanish.
We base our tutorials on your needs, curiosities, plans, businesses and more.
International House London qualified tutors.
Please do not hesitate in contact us. Fairly priced!! Barcelona Capital area, always happy to move on your own preferences.

Kind Regards,

We will meet up and get to know each other to evaluate your level in Spanish and aims. From tips of grammar to updated cultural materials and videos we will encourage you in conversation. Communication is the core for us. Open to everyone at any stage!! Bring a notebook I will provide you with leaning materials.

Good vibe, zero stress

Queridos alumnos,

Feliz de facilitarles la practica del Ingles. Modo comunicatico tips en gramatica y plan hecho segun sus necesidades. Niños y adultos nivel basico e intermedio. Se aprende disfrutando y sin estres.

Mi formacion es en Bellas Artes estudie en londres y he vivido alli por 8 años . Comunicar la pasion por las lenguas y la creatividad. No duden en consultas!

Lo mejor para todos

Español Inglés
Zona de Romina
Localidades a las que se desplaza para dar clase
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