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3 valoraciones
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Localidad Barcelona Capital
Clases de Guitarra Profesor verificado Profesor verificado
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Los alumnos de Matteo opinan: Los alumnos de Matteo opinan:
Matteo è un ottimo insegnante, capace di individuare le attitudini musicali dei suoi allievi, aiutandoli a farle emergere. La sua vasta cultura musicale e la sua esperienza come musicista lo rendon...
Matteo è un ottimo insegnante, capace di individuare le attitudini musicali dei suoi allievi, aiutandoli a farle emerge...
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18 €/h
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Guitarra Blues/Rock/Metal 6-7-8 cuerdas [CAS-ENG-ITA]

Descripción del anuncio
Hola! Soy un multistrumentista, toco guitarra, batería, bajo, fingerdrum y productor/performer de música electronica

Tengo un método interdisciplinar, tomando todos los aspectos de la música y instrumentos tradicionales para desarrollar los aspectos rítmico, melódico y compositivo necesarios por el aprendizaje de la música más contemporánea.

Lessons cover mainly these aspects listed, and develope what's most important for your personal skills and style, this system is suitable for both acoustic and electric guitar

- L and R hands coordination, fingers independence, strength and accuracy
- Basic chords to play easy song
- Basic music theory (major/minor/pentatonic scales) and chord construction.
- Help learning songs you wanna play (rhythm and easy solos)
- Introduction to music production softwares to record yourself with low budget, using laptops, tablet or smartphone.


- Most common used techniques: bending, hammer on, pull off and legato
- Theory: introduction to modes and extended chords
- Rhythm analysis and funk rhythm guitar
- Develop speed and accuracy on scales with alternate picking along with theory
- Learn solos and songs
- Blues/rock improvisation
- Project studio introduction, more in depth knowledge on guitar recording DAW and Gear


- Guitar virtuoso techniques: string skipping, tapping, sweep picking, arpeggios, economy picking
- Theory: in depth analysis of modes applied into improvisation
- Apply various techniques in your playing: learn to play virtuoso song or solos


- A look into contemporary guitar heroes: ( Tosin Abasi, Keith Merrow etc), genres (Djent), new techniques (thumb technique, pick/hammer) and 7 or 8 string guitars.
3 valoraciones de alumnos y ex-alumnos de Matteo
Valeria y otras 2 personas recomiendan a Matteo
Matteo è un ottimo insegnante, capace di individuare le attitudini musicali dei suoi allievi, aiutandoli a farle emergere. La sua vasta cultura musicale e la sua esperienza come musicista lo rendono un insegnante competente e aperto rispetto a diversi stili e generi, riuscendo ad assecondare i gusti e le predisposizioni musicali di qualsiasi persona. Le sue lezioni sono molto stimolanti: ogni volta scopro artisti e dischi incredibili e grazie ai suoi consigli sto sviluppando una creatività musicale che non credevo di avere. Se cercate un bravo insegnante, provate Matteo!
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Matteo es una persona encantadora y gran profesional. Mi hijo está muy contento, Matteo le explica todo muy bien. Le recomendamos!
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I did classes with Matteo to learn guitar and he has a very good method that helped me to improve quickly especially in rythm that was the harder part for me. He has a lot of experience in guitar playing so he knew what I needed to practice more and he proposed cool songs to play!
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