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Localidad Barcelona Capital, Esplugues de Llobregat, Hospitalet de Llobregat, Sant Adrià de Besòs
Clases de Inglés
verified Datos verificados time 2 años dando clase Tasa de respuesta <strong>100%</strong> Tasa de respuesta 100%
Primera clase gratis
15 €/h
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Sant Adrià de Besòs
Hospitalet de Llobregat
Esplugues de Llobregat
Barcelona Capital
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Learning English naturally - fun and easy!

Descripción del anuncio
The best and most natural way to learn a language is around native speakers, and to make the learning experience relaxed, interesting and fun. Let's talk about your favorite games, cartoons, books and things to do, and discover how easy it is to learn a new language.

In the past 4 years of teaching students of all ages, both online and in person, I have found that relating individually to my students, their skill level, age, interests and needs first has been the best approach. That way I can adjust my teaching method so that my students can easily find the knowledge immediately useful and engaging. We focus on language comprehension skills such as semantics, inference, critical and analytical thinking in wide range of uses through conversation, reading and writing. This motivates the students to keep learning and gives them more confidence to practice their abilities and facilitate learning.

Let's have a fun class talking about your favorite subject and talk about something new, learning how to best express yourself and how to make it easier to learn more! I am very keen to meet you!
Zona de Bogdan
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