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1 valoraciones
1ª clase gratis
Primera clase gratis
Localidad Barcelona Capital
Clases de Inglés
1 valoraciones
verified Datos verificados time 2 años dando clase
Los alumnos de Brendan opinan: Los alumnos de Brendan opinan:
Speaking is always the most difficult part of learning a new language, but Brendan makes it easier and fun. Endless topics to talk about while also learning about North American culture.
Speaking is always the most difficult part of learning a new language, but Brendan makes it easier and fun. Endless top...
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Primera clase gratis
15 €/h
Suele dar clases en
Barcelona Capital
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Native english speaker who can give lessons to all ages!

Descripción del anuncio
Hello, my name is Brendan Dodd and I am originally from the United States so a native english speaker. Recently, I have started joining spanish lessons where we try and have a basic conversation and learned that doing the opposite in english would also be helpful for people who want to learn english! So if you're trying to improve your english by having conversations, I am more than welcome to that to help you as I have prior experience in teaching friends from Spain who spoke basic english!
1 valoraciones de alumnos y ex-alumnos de Brendan
Speaking is always the most difficult part of learning a new language, but Brendan makes it easier and fun. Endless topics to talk about while also learning about North American culture.
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