Hello, my name is Andrew, I’m a native English speaker from the UK and my accent and manner of speaking is clear and easy to understand. I’m used to giving clases to Spanish people as I’ve been living in Spain for many years. I tend to structure the classes around themes that are of interest to you and we talk, practise reading, comprehension and pronunciation. I can promise that it will be fun...
Hello, my name is Andrew, I’m a native English speaker from the UK and my accent and manner of speaking is clear and easy to understand. I’m used to giving clases to Spanish people as I’ve been living in Spain for many years. I tend to structure the classes around themes that are of interest to you and we talk, practise reading, comprehension and pronunciation. I can promise that it will be fun, that you'll learn real English and you may be surprised by just how well you can communicate.
My profesional background is in business and public administration. I have an honours degree (licenciatura) and masters from the UK, I speak fluent Spanish and am TEFEL certified. Current students are professionals of education, IT, legal services and civil servants (funcionarios).
I give in-company classes in various locations in the city: near Diagonal, Glories and Torras i Bages metro stations.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
Look forward to meeting you.
Best regards,