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Marta María
4 valoraciones
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Localidad Barcelona Capital
Clases de Castellano
4 valoraciones
verified Datos verificados time más de 5 años dando clase Tasa de respuesta <strong>100%</strong> Tasa de respuesta 100%
Los alumnos de Marta María opinan: Los alumnos de Marta María opinan:
He tenido a Marta como profesora de noruego durante un semestre, y la verdad, puedo notar la diferencia. Adapta la clase al nivel del alumno, con diferentes materiales. Es metódica y muy profesiona...
He tenido a Marta como profesora de noruego durante un semestre, y la verdad, puedo notar la diferencia. Adapta la cla...
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6 €/h
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Barcelona Capital
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Really need to/want to learn Spanish, but aren´t making as much progress as you´d like to?

Descripción del anuncio
I hold classes from one to one and up to four students where you're really taken care of. Classes are prepared specifically for you; we follow a structured method adapted to your communicative needs and level, and make activities with materials adapted to your interests. Homework depends on how much you want and can do.
We also have a good deal of cultural and society insight from the Spanish speaking region of your interest, which makes it easier and even more interesting to learn the language.

I can provide the references below although the system eliminates the e-mail addresses. I don´t have references within the site because I´m new to it.


"She is an expert at making the hard stuff easy, so you can learn faster. I improved a lot!"

"These Spanish classes were fun, inspirational and useful from the very beginning. I highly recommend Marta María!"

"Brilliant Spanish teacher. Her classes are interesting and inspireing. I also appreciate her knowledge about Latin American politics and culture."

"The methods she uses are effective, thanks to these classes I've had a steep learning curve in my process. Recommended!"

"She adapts to the student's pace and interests as well as level. She is a perceptive and engaged teacher. I give her my highest recommenda- tions."

"If you have the chance, this is the best Spanish classes you can get! Martamaria is really a little jewel of language teaching."

"Tied up all the loose ends from my former attempts to learn Spanish. Great classes with a good combination of fun and focus."

"Learning Spanish can be fun at the same time! The classes challenge you and at the same time make you feel confident to speak spanish."

We have a first free of charge meeting at a café before you decide whether you want to take the courses and where I assess your level and specific needs.

Llámame o escríbeme!
4 valoraciones de alumnos y ex-alumnos de Marta María
Aina y otras 3 personas recomiendan a Marta María
He tenido a Marta como profesora de noruego durante un semestre, y la verdad, puedo notar la diferencia. Adapta la clase al nivel del alumno, con diferentes materiales. Es metódica y muy profesional. Al ser las clases con un solo alumno, permite practicar mucho la parte oral, que siempre suele ser la más difícil de practicar en clases con mayor número de estudiantes. I had Marta as a Norwegian teacher for a semester and frankly, I can feel the difference. She adapts the lesson to the s
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Las clases con Marta María son entretenidas y se adaptan perfectamente a mi ritmo de aprendizaje. Además, los materiales que usamos son muy útiles. ¡La verdad es que estoy aprendiendo un montón!
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Alisa Peti
La mejor profesora de español que he tenido. Marta María explica todo muy bien, nos hemos conseguido cubrir una gran cantidad de los temas en un corto período de tiempo. Siempre actitud positiva y buena gestión del tiempo. Nunca aprender aburrido con ella!
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