Infantil y preescolarPrimariaESOBachilleratoUniversitariosAdultos
Idiomas que hablo
Educación y certificaciones
Certificado: Examinadora DELE de los niveles C1 y C2 del Instituto CervantesCertificado: C1 inglésPostgrado/Máster: Máster en Formación del Profesorado de ESO y Bachillerat, FP y Enseñanza de IdiomasCertificado: Diploma Universitario en Competencias Comunicativas y Estudios de Lenguas ExtranjerasGrado: Magisterio. Lengua Extranjera: Inglés
Ubicación de mis clases
Madrid Capital
Perfil de Blanca
Sobre mi
Mis clases
Sobre mi
Clases de español para niños y adultos:
• Online • Presencial (Madrid centro)
- Preparación de exámenes - Español formal e informal - Conversación - Gramática y pronunciación - Metodología divertida y dinámica
• Materiales y apuntes • Flexibilidad horaria • No hay mínimo de clases
Spanish classes for children and adults:
• Online • In person (Madrid centre)
- Exam preparation - Formal an...
Clases de español para niños y adultos:
• Online • Presencial (Madrid centro)
- Preparación de exámenes - Español formal e informal - Conversación - Gramática y pronunciación - Metodología divertida y dinámica
• Materiales y apuntes • Flexibilidad horaria • No hay mínimo de clases
Spanish classes for children and adults:
• Online • In person (Madrid centre)
- Exam preparation - Formal and informal English - Conversation - Grammar and pronunciation - Fun and dynamic methodology
• Materials and notes • Flexible schedule • There is no minimum number of classes
Classes with Blanca are so fun and relaxed I really enjoy and learn so much about language and culture of Spain.
She is very friendly and an excellent teacher.
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Marzo de 2023
Blanca was referred to me by a mutual friend and we have had a few classes together already. I already had a good base of Spanish, but she is really helping me to refine my grammar and fluidity. She is always well-prepared and professional in class. Also she speaks English well which is helpful to understand more complicated themes. Thanks Blanca!
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Sabina Borthwick
Marzo de 2023
Blanca has been working with my two children whose first langauge is English to help them improve their spoken and written Spanish. She is great at adapting the classes and making them fun and interesting.
She is also very good at supporting them with their homework when they need help, especially in Cultura and Lengua.