My name is Carla, and I'm a Primary school teacher (3rd grade - 8 years old, at the moment).
Born and raised in Barcelona but who's spent a couple of years living in England (I've lived with a family as an au pair at first and then moved by myself and worked in a preschool in London for a year before moving to Bristol where I stayed and worked for another year).
Apart from my experien...
My name is Carla, and I'm a Primary school teacher (3rd grade - 8 years old, at the moment).
Born and raised in Barcelona but who's spent a couple of years living in England (I've lived with a family as an au pair at first and then moved by myself and worked in a preschool in London for a year before moving to Bristol where I stayed and worked for another year).
Apart from my experience aboard which taught me so much & changed a bit my point of view about the education in Early Years , during my uni years I have been tutoring one to one as well as small groups (2-3 students) with children aged 6 to 15 years old. Not just English but also any other subjects.
*Així doncs també m’ofereixo per a fer classes (tant per a l’etapa de primària com a l’ESO) de qualsevol altra matèria. Aquestes, poden ser individuals o en petit grup, i puc desplaçar-me o poden tenir lloc a casa meva. (Depenent de totes aquestes variants és un preu/hora o un altre).*
I truly believe the best way to learn a new language is using it! That’s why I normally plan my lessons in a fun way where the speaking is the skill we'll work on most. Learning English it doesn’t need to be tough: we’ll cook yummy recipes, play fun games, read and discuss stories…
Of course it all depends on your main goal for learning English and we'll structure our lessons to get there.
Hope to see you soon!
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