Perfil de Carmen Álvarez

Sobre mi
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Sobre mi

My degree in international studies allows me to have high competence in English and to be able to teach it through a multidisciplinary and assertive manner. Furthermore, throughout my Erasmus + exchnage in Norway I had the opportunity to teach Spanish to international students. I am fluent in both languages and I am able to teach any subject in both of them.
My courses are dessigned to be dynami...
My degree in international studies allows me to have high competence in English and to be able to teach it through a multidisciplinary and assertive manner. Furthermore, throughout my Erasmus + exchnage in Norway I had the opportunity to teach Spanish to international students. I am fluent in both languages and I am able to teach any subject in both of them.
My courses are dessigned to be dynamic, in order for grammar to be learned and understood directly through practice in the case of language teaching. Vocabulary also forms a big part of my focus during the lessons, for which I will apply a practical teaching system as well. Additional support materials will be provided to work outside of the class, as names of movies, songs and readings that can further improve the level.
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Clases de Matemáticas Clases de matemáticas aplicadas a las ccss o básicas León Capital
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Clases de Economía Economía de refuerzo o para EVAU León Capital
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