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Idiomas que hablo
Educación y certificaciones
Licenciatura: LingüísticaCertificado: Programa de intercambio de estudiantes en Japón
Ubicación de mis clases
Perfil de Chrisley
Sobre mi
Mis clases
Sobre mi
Hola! I'm Lee. I'm from the Philippines and I grew up speaking English at home and in school. I'm a Linguistics graduate and my background has helped me understand the point of view and difficulties of a second language learner. I incorporate interactive learning as much as possible using board games (juegos de mesa), creative story-telling, singing and dancing, and many more activities. I always...
Hola! I'm Lee. I'm from the Philippines and I grew up speaking English at home and in school. I'm a Linguistics graduate and my background has helped me understand the point of view and difficulties of a second language learner. I incorporate interactive learning as much as possible using board games (juegos de mesa), creative story-telling, singing and dancing, and many more activities. I always want my students to feel at ease during our English classes.
I'm currently a postgraduate student in Content and Language Integrated Learning.
mas informacion (o cualquier otra consulta) por WhatsApp. no hablo mucho español pero lo entiendo mas o menos