Infantil y preescolarESOBachilleratoUniversitariosAdultos
Idiomas que hablo
Educación y certificaciones
Grado: Ingeniera IndustrialPostgrado/Máster: Negocios InternacionalesCertificado: Inglés C1Certificado: Marketing Digital
Ubicación de mis clases
La Vall D'Uixó · Castellón de la Plana · Almenara · Nules · Moncofa · Chilches
Perfil de Diana Tafur
Sobre mi
Mis clases
Sobre mi
Hello everyone!
I am your English and marketing teacher for any interest that you might have. let me know what you need and I will establish a good routine for you in class and for your daily journey.
My class usually is practical and up to your age.
I love teaching kids, teenagers, and adults as well.
Besides, as I am a professional in engineering, international trade, and digital marketing...
Hello everyone!
I am your English and marketing teacher for any interest that you might have. let me know what you need and I will establish a good routine for you in class and for your daily journey.
My class usually is practical and up to your age.
I love teaching kids, teenagers, and adults as well.
Besides, as I am a professional in engineering, international trade, and digital marketing; I can teach you how to deal with people around the world.