My methodology comprises: Going over the English student’s book and his/her notebook to check out whether we are going on the right track or if we are missing something. Attaining goals in the short run is my aim. But my goal is bigger than this, it is to make the student feel confident. Ask him questions to elicit answers from him/her.
When it comes to adults, please don’t ask me to teach you...
My methodology comprises: Going over the English student’s book and his/her notebook to check out whether we are going on the right track or if we are missing something. Attaining goals in the short run is my aim. But my goal is bigger than this, it is to make the student feel confident. Ask him questions to elicit answers from him/her.
When it comes to adults, please don’t ask me to teach you very specific Vocab unless you are fully prepared to retain words. Let me explain, it takes effort and time to find correct words to teach you (Investigate) and frame them in context. You cannot imagine how tedious work is to put things together. To put across your ideas and concepts for others to understand is, in fact, a big deal. And nobody appreciates it. And to me, some people don’t do their part as students. And blaming on the teacher will ????? never result in your success. You cannot pass on the blame. You should
get off from the cloud that we teachers have some sort of magical powers. We may teach you something different in various ways, be funnier or more understanding. But we can’t work miracles. I hope you guys understand and put yourself in my shoes. And if after all that has been said, you decide to try. Go on and take your bet. You may never regret it.
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