Perfil de Dina Azzam

Sobre mi
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Sobre mi

have an ever burning passion in committing to a genuine student-teacher relationship. I genuinely
believe in breaking such barriers, between the student and teacher, not only does it create a sense of
comfort but also constructive learning atmosphere. One where I can truly understand the individual
needs of the student, which is a very important factor in self-improvement that is guided by ca...
have an ever burning passion in committing to a genuine student-teacher relationship. I genuinely
believe in breaking such barriers, between the student and teacher, not only does it create a sense of
comfort but also constructive learning atmosphere. One where I can truly understand the individual
needs of the student, which is a very important factor in self-improvement that is guided by care and

This would guarantee that I’d acquire the student’s attention and interest, which is a vital for them to
absorb and retain knowledge. As well as applying the communicative approach by encouraging
conversations and increasing student talking time (STT), leading to involvement inside the class as
well as the community. This would create a fertile ground ready to be planted with seeds of

I would utilize this approach along with my persona and an efficient lesson plan to facilitate a
smooth transition between different language skills, to reach the class objective. In addition to
building rapport and giving an amount of care to my learners, I would be able demonstrate my core
values of diligence, punctually and working smart.
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Clases de Oposiciones Educación Profesora del Ingles a ninos (7-10) y adultos Madrid Capital
Clase Presencial
15€/h Ver anuncio
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