Perfil de Emiliano Pérez

Sobre mi
Mis clases

Sobre mi

I design the classes specifically for every student. The lessons are easy-going, flexible, fun and dynamic. they are mostly focused on speaking since most of my students want to learn how to properly communicate in business and social settings. We see idiomatic expressions used in Spanish and we learn the basic structures to form sentences to ask questions, respond, give commands, etc.
I design the classes specifically for every student. The lessons are easy-going, flexible, fun and dynamic. they are mostly focused on speaking since most of my students want to learn how to properly communicate in business and social settings. We see idiomatic expressions used in Spanish and we learn the basic structures to form sentences to ask questions, respond, give commands, etc.

Mis clases

Imparto clases Presenciales y Online
Clases de Inglés Traductor Público Nacional de Idioma Inglés Córdoba Capital
Clase Presencial
10€/h Ver anuncio
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