Perfil de Henry Petersen

Sobre mi
Mis clases

Sobre mi

I teach conversational English that would allow my students to be able to communicate comfortably in the language with the English speaking population making their life easier and opening new horizons in which they can move and have a more fulfilling life.
My classes requires full and active participation of the students to enable them to get rid of any shyness and fear of communicating in Englis...
I teach conversational English that would allow my students to be able to communicate comfortably in the language with the English speaking population making their life easier and opening new horizons in which they can move and have a more fulfilling life.
My classes requires full and active participation of the students to enable them to get rid of any shyness and fear of communicating in English and it is a great opportunity to explain to them any errors they commit during the exercises.
I also give my students some home work as next class theme to be discussed then.
I will also consider the particulars of the student: age, what they are doing (studying/working/etc) to adapt the lessons in liu of their greater benefit.
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Mis clases

Imparto clases Presenciales y Online
Clases de Otros idiomas ingles conversacional que permita comunicarse con los anglo parlantes de forma clara y precisa Paracuellos de Jarama
Clase Presencial
15€/h Ver anuncio
Clases de Inglés ingles conversacional como materia principal. Posible extender a redaccion y lectura Paracuellos de Jarama
Clase Presencial
15€/h Ver anuncio
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