During the day, I work at a school in Villanueva de la Canada. Usually, I prepare presentations on subjects like English, culture and history. As well, I created a conversation club with students and teachers. For this club, I will pick a topic or theme for the hour, and all conversation will focus on that subject. I am good with getting people to talk and to avoid shyness or embarrassment. If st...
During the day, I work at a school in Villanueva de la Canada. Usually, I prepare presentations on subjects like English, culture and history. As well, I created a conversation club with students and teachers. For this club, I will pick a topic or theme for the hour, and all conversation will focus on that subject. I am good with getting people to talk and to avoid shyness or embarrassment. If students have homework or exam questions, they can ask me to help spell check their writing.
Durante el día trabajo en una escuela de Villanueva de la Cañada. Por lo general, preparo presentaciones sobre temas como inglés, cultura e historia. Además, creé un club de conversación con estudiantes y profesores. Para este club, elegiré un tema para la hora y toda la conversación se centrará en ese tema. Soy bueno para hacer que la gente hable y para evitar la timidez o la vergüenza. Si los estudiantes tienen tareas o preguntas de exámenes, pueden pedirme que los ayude a revisar la ortografía de su escritura.
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