///*Doy clases gratuitas a personas sin medios y a niños con Tus Clases Solidarias *\\\
-I have 10 years teaching at the university level. Empathy for the learner is the core- we all need context, patience and framing.
- Alongside following formal curricula, I like to use 'real world' simulator/practical tools to teach and there are plenty of them in the tech world. It's the best way to 'see' wha...
///*Doy clases gratuitas a personas sin medios y a niños con Tus Clases Solidarias *\\\
-I have 10 years teaching at the university level. Empathy for the learner is the core- we all need context, patience and framing.
- Alongside following formal curricula, I like to use 'real world' simulator/practical tools to teach and there are plenty of them in the tech world. It's the best way to 'see' what you learn in books/class.
- Have been upskilling in tech for 3 years.
-Just finished UoGloucestershire Bootcamp on cybersec/data formalising extensive learning of my own over past years.
-In tech, more that ever and more than many other subjects, the foundations of knowledge are ever-changing... the patterns, frameworks, and practices of even 2 years ago become quickly ancient. Some principles, and broader architectural/philosophical approaches do persist, but change is very common. Being a teacher in tech is also, more than any other subject, also about being a learner.
- My strengths are: cybersecurity, networking principles and practices (OSI model, CIA triad), linux/server environments, modern web-dev frameworks (VueJS, React, NodeJs, Laravel), mySQL database design, ethics/law/politics/philosophy of cyber-space.
- Also solid on: OOP higher-level languages (Java and Python) from an architectural view (polymorphism, namespacing etc)
- All ages welcome. 1 hr lessons but I am flexible on that (flexible times through the week also)
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