Perfil de Ivano

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Sobre mi

I'm Ivano, i enjoy teaching people of all ages the mysteries and beauties of the natural world. That includes mathematics, physics, languages, complex systems, statistics, artificial intelligence and more. I am a researcher in many disciplines and the co-founder a bio-medical startup. I assure chats with me will be illuminating for kids or adults, whether it be for school or industry applications...
I'm Ivano, i enjoy teaching people of all ages the mysteries and beauties of the natural world. That includes mathematics, physics, languages, complex systems, statistics, artificial intelligence and more. I am a researcher in many disciplines and the co-founder a bio-medical startup. I assure chats with me will be illuminating for kids or adults, whether it be for school or industry applications.
Interested? contact me!

Soy Ivano y disfruto de enseñar a personas de todas las edades los misterios y las bellezas del mundo natural. Eso incluye matemáticas, física, idiomas, sistemas complejos, estadísticas, inteligencia artificial y más. Soy investigador en muchas disciplinas y cofundador de una empresa biomédica emergente. Te aseguro que las charlas conmigo serán esclarecedoras para niños y adultos, ya sea para aplicaciones escolares o industriales. ¿Te interesa? ¡Contáctame!

Sono Ivano, mi piace insegnare a persone di tutte le età i misteri e le bellezze del mondo naturale. Ciò include matematica, fisica, lingue, sistemi complessi, statistica, intelligenza artificiale e altro ancora. Sono un ricercatore in molte discipline e il co-fondatore di una startup biomedica. Vi assicuro che le nostre chiacchierate saranno illuminanti per bambini e adulti, sia che si tratti di applicazioni scolastiche o industriali. Ti interessa? Contattami!
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