Perfil de Jordi Francisco Gonzalez

Sobre mi
Mis clases

Sobre mi

Hello! I’m from Miami and graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Psychology!

If you need help with English we can have some face-to-fave meetings for conversational lessons!

All the Best,

Jordi Gonzalez
Hello! I’m from Miami and graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Psychology!

If you need help with English we can have some face-to-fave meetings for conversational lessons!

All the Best,

Jordi Gonzalez

Mis clases

Imparto clases presenciales
Clases de Inglés Para practicar Ingles conversacionalmente Barcelona Capital
Clase Presencial
12€/h Ver anuncio
Clases de Guitarra Doy clases de guitarra presenciales Barcelona Capital
Clase Presencial
25€/h Ver anuncio
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