Perfil de Jorge Gómez

Sobre mi
Mis clases

Sobre mi

Hey this is George, i am Willing be part of the english knowlogedge ,so here is my cell phone let me show how is real English and how fun it could be when you techo with love and responsality. Conctac me
Hey this is George, i am Willing be part of the english knowlogedge ,so here is my cell phone let me show how is real English and how fun it could be when you techo with love and responsality. Conctac me

Mis clases

Imparto clases presenciales
Clases de Inglés Ingles, gramatica, lectura, pronunciacion, historia de la lengua, karaoke en ingles afinar el oido, conversaciones cotidiatanas Pamplona - Iruña, Ansoáin, Barañain, Burlada - Burlata
Clase Presencial
6€/h Ver anuncio
Clases de CPE Certificate Proficiency in English English for childrens. 4-14 Pamplona - Iruña, Ansoáin, Barañain, Burlada - Burlata
Clase Presencial
6€/h Ver anuncio
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