Perfil de Kari

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Sobre mi


05.2011 Master of Liberal Arts
Temple University | Philadelphia, PA
Major in Performance Arts

Summer 2013 Study Abroad Program School of Visual Arts, New York City/Escola Superior De Dissney | Art La Llotja Sant Andreu Barcelona, Spain

05.2006 Bachelor of Arts
LeMoyne Owen College | Memphis, TN
Major in Humanities


Professional Teaching Certificate...

05.2011 Master of Liberal Arts
Temple University | Philadelphia, PA
Major in Performance Arts

Summer 2013 Study Abroad Program School of Visual Arts, New York City/Escola Superior De Dissney | Art La Llotja Sant Andreu Barcelona, Spain

05.2006 Bachelor of Arts
LeMoyne Owen College | Memphis, TN
Major in Humanities


Professional Teaching Certificate

TESOL/TEFL Teacher Training

American Heart Association Certified CPR & First Aid Instructor


2013-Present Private English Language Instructor
Barcelona/Madrid, Spain
Organizing courses
Planning, preparing and delivering lessons
Preparing teaching materials
Helping pupils improve their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills via individual and group sessions
Checking and assessing pupils' work
Organizing and running specialist courses
Attending social events

English Theatre Teacher Escola Nausica and Escola Lys, Barcelona, Spain

Responsible for designing creative theatre plans aimed at engaging students of various English competency levels and classroom curriculum.

Instructed enunciation, diction, voice development, and dialects, using voice exercises and improvisation.
Discussed and demonstrated vocal and body expression to teach acting styles.
Trained the students in character development, and personality projection.
Guided the students on the elements of stagecraft, stage makeup, costume craft, play writing, or play direction. Ensured that the student learn to read plays and understand the literary genre of drama.

English Teacher
Escola Sagrada Familia-Horta, Escola Sant Joan Bosco, Escola Pia Sarria, Barcelona,
Spain, Colegio Arabell, Lérida, Les Alzines, Girona
Responsible for designing creative lesson plans aimed at engaging students of various English competency levels Utilize and integrate technology into daily lesson plans and develop a variety of lesson planning methods including cooperative learning, discussions, games and discovery

Spring 2012 Guest Teacher
La Maison Des Enfants | Port au Prince, Haiti
Responsible for developing arts therapy coursework for the Haitian children impacted by the earthquake disaster Assisted in providing supplementation of the national curriculum and established a positive learning environment that enhanced students’ emotional, intellectual, social, and creative abilities

Summer Teaching Artist
University of the Arts | Philadelphia, PA
Provided performing arts instruction to students in low-income elementary schools Instructed students on vocal and body expression, character development, and personality projection Acted as the producer and director for both school and public theater productions

International Research /Volunteer Work: Atfalouna Orphanage – Marrakech, Morocco, 2012 Provided age-appropriate English speaking instruction for French/Arabic speaking children Saude de Criancas– Salvador/ Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Summer. Responsible for providing educational and emotional support to children and impoverished families with the goal of enhancing their educational, social, and emotional stability SUNY Empire State College ‘Make Theatre’ —New York City, Lesotho ,South Africa
Multicultural, collaborative effort among faculty facilitators and student performers from three continents as well as community participants from the rural mountain villages of Lesotho's Malealea Valley. Our biennial program challenged participants to create issue-based, aesthetically provocative, entertaining theatre.
School for International Training – Belize, Guatemala, Jamaica
Conducted anthropological research on African spirituality in the Caribbean
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