Infantil y preescolarESOBachilleratoUniversitariosAdultos
Idiomas que hablo
Educación y certificaciones
Grado: ArchitecturePostgrado/Máster (cursando): Applied Linguistics: Teaching English to Speakers of Other LanguagesCertificado: TEFLMódulo grado medio/superior: Graphic Design
Ubicación de mis clases
Arrigorriaga · Barakaldo · Etxebarri, Anteiglesia de San Esteban-Etxebarri Do · Bilbao · Basauri
Perfil de Karina Matos
Sobre mi
Mis clases
Sobre mi
Hi, I am Karina I am an English teacher with a TEFL certificate and experience teaching kids, teenagers and adults, I am very patient, empathetic, accessible, enthusiastic and caring. I teach all levels of English and exam preparations.
Areas of expertise include:
-Creating a classroom climate where students are academically engaged and challenged while feeling supported and secure.
Hi, I am Karina I am an English teacher with a TEFL certificate and experience teaching kids, teenagers and adults, I am very patient, empathetic, accessible, enthusiastic and caring. I teach all levels of English and exam preparations.
Areas of expertise include:
-Creating a classroom climate where students are academically engaged and challenged while feeling supported and secure.
-Effectively developing, enhancing and modifying lesson plans, learning materials and resources to meet individual student needs and ensure optimal student progress.
-Developing innovative teaching strategies including collaborative learning and active use of current technology.
-Conducting wide-ranging assessments and interpreting results to best facilitate student success establishing cooperative relations with parents and other staff
An enthusiastic and hard-working teacher committed to ongoing professional development and improvement including keeping current in subject matter knowledge, learning theory and instructional techniques.