Perfil de Katherine Mora

Sobre mi
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Sobre mi

Hardworking teaching professional proficient in assisting non-native students by educating in reading, writing, speaking and understanding Spanish. Excited to work with students to share culture, conversational style and idiomatic constructions in order to better integrate into local community. Hardworking, upbeat and passionate about helping children develop at individual pace and personalized...

Hardworking teaching professional proficient in assisting non-native students by educating in reading, writing, speaking and understanding Spanish. Excited to work with students to share culture, conversational style and idiomatic constructions in order to better integrate into local community. Hardworking, upbeat and passionate about helping children develop at individual pace and personalized support. Skilled at implementing different instructional, activity and cultural immersion strategies.

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Clases de Español para extranjeros Profesora de español para extranjeros Madrid Capital
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