Perfil de Kevin Verburgt

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Sobre mi

I am a married 39 year old native English speaking male with almost 10 years experience teaching English to children and adults . I have taught in both schools and academies . I like to write and run in my free time . I have a TEFL certificate which I gained almost 10 years ago . I love meeting new people and learning about new cultures . If you would like to learn English in a relaxed, professio...
I am a married 39 year old native English speaking male with almost 10 years experience teaching English to children and adults . I have taught in both schools and academies . I like to write and run in my free time . I have a TEFL certificate which I gained almost 10 years ago . I love meeting new people and learning about new cultures . If you would like to learn English in a relaxed, professional manner ,through natural language acquisition, feel free to contact me . I teach Business English as well as preparing students for official exams like Cambridge/ IELTS / TOEFL . I also do conversational classes .
Sóc un home anglesa de 39 anys amb gairebé 10 anys d’experiència ensenyant anglès a nens i adults. He ensenyat tant a escoles com a acadèmies. M'agrada escriure i córrer en el meu temps lliure. Tinc un certificat TEFL que vaig obtenir fa gairebé 15 anys. M'encanta conèixer gent i aprendre sobre noves cultures. Si voleu aprendre anglès d’una forma relaxada i professional, mitjançant l’adquisició d’idiomes naturals, no dubteu en contactar-me. Ensenyo anglès de negocis a més de preparar estudiants per a exàmens oficials com Cambridge / IELTS / TOEFL. També faig classes de conversa.
I offer English both in person or online. I have my own transport and can travel. I consult students on their requirements and together we choose the best method and material to use . Flexibility and custom made solution lead to a naturally relaxed and enjoyable learning atmosphere with lots of speaking on top. Look forward to hearing from you soon !
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Valoraciones de mis estudiantes

18 valoraciones
Junio de 2022
Kevin es un profesional que se adapta a las necesidades del alumno. A mí me ayudó mucho, siempre disponible y educado. Muy recomendable.
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Mayo de 2022
He's a great teacher with an outstanding knowledge in English. ??
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Júlia Ortega
Agosto de 2021
Hola! Em dic Júlia,fa uns quants mesos em vaig treure el certificat FCE amb l'ajuda del meu superprofessor en Kevin! Gràcies Kevin per unes classes molt divertides I per tota la teva ajuda amb aconseguir els meus objectius! Hi! My name is Julia, a couple of months ago I got my FCE certificate with the help of my super teacher Kevin! Thank you Kevin for all the fun and educational classes and most of all for helping me achieve my goals!
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