Infantil y preescolarPrimariaESOBachilleratoAdultos
Idiomas que hablo
Educación y certificaciones
Grado: Grado en estudios ingleses (filología inglesa)Módulo grado medio/superior: Grado superior en educación infantilCertificado: Curso de formación para profesores de español como L2Certificado: Estudios de piano y lenguaje musicalCertificado: Seminario de traducción audiovisual
Ubicación de mis clases
La Rinconada · Dos Hermanas · Sevilla Capital
Perfil de Laura Minguet Criado
Sobre mi
Mis clases
Sobre mi
My name is Laura, I'm 27 years old. I am english philologist and I have been living in England for a while. I have also studied childhood education and the course in spanish as second language teaching training. I have experience teaching english and other subjects such as music, and spanish as L2. My methodology can be explained in simple words: the absolute adaptation to the student.
My name is Laura, I'm 27 years old. I am english philologist and I have been living in England for a while. I have also studied childhood education and the course in spanish as second language teaching training. I have experience teaching english and other subjects such as music, and spanish as L2. My methodology can be explained in simple words: the absolute adaptation to the student.