Perfil de Leticia Sgonzalez

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Sobre mi


It’s Leticia, Im 29 years old. And I’m Spanish from Madrid, living in London since 2019.
I studied level 4 in Spain and currently Im studying a degree.

I have experience as a Spanish tutor with children and adults, about more than 5 years. I teach Spanish and I try that the students achieve all their goals.

We are going to learn and also have fun with the classes.

Kind regards

It’s Leticia, Im 29 years old. And I’m Spanish from Madrid, living in London since 2019.
I studied level 4 in Spain and currently Im studying a degree.

I have experience as a Spanish tutor with children and adults, about more than 5 years. I teach Spanish and I try that the students achieve all their goals.

We are going to learn and also have fun with the classes.

Kind regards

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Clases de Español para extranjeros Estudiando una carrera, estudiante grado superior educación infantil Marbella
Clase Presencial
6€/h Ver anuncio
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