Infantil y preescolarPrimariaESOBachilleratoAdultos
Idiomas que hablo
Educación y certificaciones
Grado (cursando): sicologiaCertificado: TELF AND TESOL
Ubicación de mis clases
Vilanova I la Geltrú · Cubelles
Perfil de Lirian
Sobre mi
Mis clases
Sobre mi
I am bilingual, English and Spanish currently learning Catalan. I am very flexible with schedule and on my teaching methods. I like to focus on a good learning experience that is fun and motivating to the student. I have a university degree on psychology from the United States. In addition, I have courses on NLP and couching. I teach by focusing on personal goals and interest, using simple and m...
I am bilingual, English and Spanish currently learning Catalan. I am very flexible with schedule and on my teaching methods. I like to focus on a good learning experience that is fun and motivating to the student. I have a university degree on psychology from the United States. In addition, I have courses on NLP and couching. I teach by focusing on personal goals and interest, using simple and motivating ways. Reading the news, day to day expressions and songs, at the end practicing what you learned. I can help you with school English homework and assignment.