Hey! I'm Pat. I've been working as an English Language Assistant for 8 years and have been giving private classes. I have a masters degree in International Education and have experience working with children (primary to secondary levels) and adults - giving conversation classes and also preparing students for specific English Certification Exams like Cambridge or Trinity. I really enjoy doing this in my free time and love sharing my knowledge of English. Please feel free to contact me for lessons. I give online classes, as well. Thank you! Looking forward to meeting you soon!
Hola! Soy Pat. LLevo ocho años trabajando como auxiliar de Ingles. He terminado mi master en Educacion Internacional y sigo dando clases particulares en mi tiempo libre. Siempre me ha gustado la experiencia de compartir mis habilidades de Ingles y ayudar tambien a los que lo necesiten. Tengo mucha experiencia con ninos (de primaria a secundaria), adolescentes y adultos - dandoles clases de conversacion y/o tambien preparandoles para examenes de Ingles como el Cambridge o el Trinity. No dudeis en contactarme por clases o otra informacion. Muchas gracias!