Perfil de Marianna Nuovo Urdaneta

Sobre mi
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Sobre mi

Hello! I am a Latina with a degree in social communication, I am here to teach you how to communicate perfectly in Spanish and in the most fun and simple way. I have certification in social skills workshops and have worked in public relations since I started in the world of work. I have worked with foreigners and have received several at home to teach them to speak Spanish. They have all had...
Hello! I am a Latina with a degree in social communication, I am here to teach you how to communicate perfectly in Spanish and in the most fun and simple way. I have certification in social skills workshops and have worked in public relations since I started in the world of work. I have worked with foreigners and have received several at home to teach them to speak Spanish. They have all had very good results. I specialize in Spanish for children between 2 and 15 years old, however all ages are welcome to the world of knowledge ??.
I'll wait for you in your next class, what are you waiting for?

Hola! Soy latina licenciada en comunicación social, estoy aquí para enseñarte a comunicarte perfectamente en español y de la manera mas divertida y sencilla. Tengo certificación en talleres de habilidades sociales y he trabajado en relaciones públicas desde que inicié en el mundo laboral. He trabajo con extranjeros y he recibido a varios en casa para enseñarles a hablar español. Todos han tenido muy buenos resultados. Me especializo en español para niños entre los 2 y los 15 años, sin embargo todas las edades son bienvenidas al mundo del conocimiento ??.
Te espero en tu próxima clase, ¿qué esperas?, corre a inscribirte.

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Clases de Español para extranjeros Doy clases particulares de español y español para negocios Villaviciosa de Odón
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