It'll be a class for pretty much all levels, as I can prepare all doubts you might have and explain them in a simple and easy to understand manner. About ways to practice, I'll suggest mostly audiovisuals or perhaps a written assignment. I'll also try and be as malleable as possible to the needs you might have in order to properly understand.
Sería una clase para prácticamente todos los niveles,...
It'll be a class for pretty much all levels, as I can prepare all doubts you might have and explain them in a simple and easy to understand manner. About ways to practice, I'll suggest mostly audiovisuals or perhaps a written assignment. I'll also try and be as malleable as possible to the needs you might have in order to properly understand.
Sería una clase para prácticamente todos los niveles, puesto que puedo prepararme todas las dudas que puedas tener y explicarlas de una manera sencilla y fácil de comprender. Sobre formas de practicar, sugeriré sobre todo audiovisuales o tal vez alguna cosa escrita. También intentaré ser flexible tanto como pueda para las necesidades que puedas tener para comprender sin problemas.
Seria una classe per a pràcticament tots els nivells, donat que puc preparar-me tots els dubtes que puguis tenir i explicar-les d'una manera senzilla i fàcil de comprendre. Sobre formes de practicar, recomanaré principalment audiovisuals o tal vegada quelcom d'escrit. També n'intentaré ser flexible tant com puga per les necessitats que puguis tenir, per a poder comprendre sense problemes.